Thursday, December 29, 2011

Do We Reap What We Sowe?

Are you a sower or are you a reaper? Do you help others find their way or are you benefiting from what was done for you of which you have not worked for? Did you know that all of the hard part was already done for you? Then ask your self, what’s next? Are you returning by helping others? Read what Jesus has to say about sowing and reaping:  
Jesus said, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.” Then his disciples said to each other. “Could someone have brought him food?”
 “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. Do you not say, ‘Four months more and then the harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. Thus the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true. I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.” (John 4:32) 
Ask yourself, how will you make a difference today? Now go and live it!
For More Reading and Prayer Request, go to

Sunday, November 20, 2011

When Pain Screams Your Name

When pain screams your name, don’t give in. As you spiral down, don’t allow yourself to fall to the bottom where it is deep with emptiness. Don’t denounce but instead, cry out in your loudest voice to God. Call on the “one” true God for all other gods are only self filling for the short moment. Alcohol will numb the pain; food will give gratification; drugs as good as they make us feel; are all short lived with no depth, but God is every lasting, and he is here to see us through if we are willing.  Lord Jesus, help push through the pain. Help not to listen to Satan’s lies. Help with faith to endure. Help as the bible declares you will to those who ask. Hear my loud cries with doubt filled words. Wash away my ugliness so that I can see your glory. Help to grab the wall of truth as I thrust down into despair. Help to cushion my fall. Grab me from the clutches of pain’s despair.              
Help with becoming the person you see in me. Help with being a testimony to your glory so that others to will put their trust in you. Lead through my thoughts. Show the way to overcome. Help not to be afraid, and help with understanding myself, but more importantly, help with understanding others.
Help not to judge when it comes so easy and seems so right. Help to stay away from damming others and help keeping me focused on your love for them. Allow me to know your grace and in doing so, allow me to give your grace to others.
Help to become the person you’d have me be not the person screaming inside of me. I turn to you Lord for your grace has stood the test of time by those that have lived before me. I claim your promises, and I live by them even when my body screams otherwise. I love you, and I give you all the praise.
Luke 18:27            All things are possible – I believe!
Prov 20:24            I’ll direct your steps – I believe!
Phil 4:19               I’ll supply all your need – I believe!
2 Tim 1:7               I’ve not given you a spirit of fear - I believe!
1 Pet 5:7                Cast all your care one me – I am and I will!
1 Cor 1:30             I give you wisdom – I believe
Heb 13:5                I’ll never leave you are forsake you – I believe!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Jesus Teaches about Prayer

Jesus Teaches about Prayer:
 Luke 11: 1-13 
“Suppose you went to a friend’s house at midnight, wanting to borrow three loaves of bread. You would shout up to him, ‘A friend of mine has just arrived for a visit and I’ve nothing to give him to eat.’ He would call down from his bedroom, ‘Please don’t ask me to get up. The door is locked for the night and we are all in bed. I just can’t help you this time.’
“But I’ll tell you this-though he won’t do it as a friend, if you keep knocking long enough he will get up and give you everything you want-just because of your persistence. And so it is with prayer-keep on asking and you will keep on getting; keep on looking and you will keep on finding; knock and the door will be opened. Everyone who asks, receives; all who see, find; and the door is opened to everyone who knocks."

"You men who are fathers-if your boy asks for bread, do you give him a stone? If he asks for fish, do you give him a snake? If he asks for an egg, do you give him a scorpion?" (Of course not!)
"And if even sinful persons like yourselves give children what they need, don't you realize that your heavenly Father will do at least as much, and give the Holy Spirit to those who ask for Him?"

For Prayer Request and other readings, visit

I love you. (John 3:16)

I will never leave you or forsake you. (Heb 13:11)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Are you Drowning?

“Cast all your care on me” (1Peter 5-7)
     Are you drowning, take this moment and turn to God. Read a story from the Bible telling about what others have done in their times of great stress. Ask God to direct your steps. Is your fight with your mind? Is your problem being powered by fear and controlling who you are?  Allow God to give you rest from worry and from fear. Let God lead your through your storm. Read a story from the Bible, and learn how others put their trust in God during their storms. Don’t follow the world, for you’ll be fighting an army with one. Turn to God and receive His wisdom to overcome the fight for in the Bible we’re told, “I am with you; that is all you need. My power shows up best in weak people.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

Allow Him to give you victory by directing your steps and revealing His wisdom. Ask Him for help in managing your day and accept His gift of faith to lead you through. Ask, seek and keep praying for Christ has instructed us to be persistence with our prayer not giving up. (Luke11:9-10)

A suggested Bible story about following God when the world is against you can be found in Genesis 37-46. This is a story of a young man named Joseph who was betrayed by his jealous, half brothers and sold into human trafficking. Then as a slave, he was thrown into prison based on false charges and he never lost his faith even when the storms kept coming. Learn to be your best in the worst of times just as Joseph did. Allow God to bless you and to see you through. Don't listen when the world tells you to quit for in (Romans 12:2) we are instructed, "Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think. Then you will learn from your own experience how His ways will really satisfy you."

Remember to keep asking in prayer and to follow God for Jesus tells us, "You can get anything--anything you ask for in prayer--if you believe." Matthew 21: 22
And  “I am with you; that is all you need. My power shows up best in weak people.”
 2 Corinthians 12:9

Suggest Bible Reading: Genesis 37-46 - Joseph into the pit by his jealous half brothers; sold into slavery; slave now in charge; thrown in prison; the prisoner and the king; the new Prime Minister; the missing cup; family reunion. God’s promises: Ask, seek, find (Luke 11:9); I give you wisdom (1 Cor 1:30); I will direct your steps. ( Prov 20:24); I will supply all your need. (Phil 4:13) I’ll never leave you or forsake you. ( Heb 13:11)

For Prayer or more reading, visit

Friday, August 19, 2011

When Nagging Want Leave

When the nagging continues, dig deep within yourself and keep taking it to God in prayer for the enemy will use your uncontrolled thoughts against you, but God will give you rest[1] and He will see you through[2]. As hard as it is, don’t follow negativity; instead, turn to God by reading the Bible and by serving others. Surround yourself with the Lord. Remain strong for the enemy will attack often delivering bombs of confusion while you’re trying to move forward by doing what is right. The enemy defense is to jostle, getting you off your game, and to lead with anger fueled by fear; however, your counter attack is to remember God hasn’t given you a spirit of fear[3] but of sound mind allowing you to follow His way; therefore, it is important not to let the battle field of your mind become a quagmire of confusion delivered by the enemy. Be strong in God.
Read the Bible often as part of your life and then, read it as many times daily as needed to stay close to God. Pray and continue to pray for Christ has told us to be persistence in our prayer and to keep knocking for all that ask, receive and all that seek, find and all who knock, the door is open[4]. So it is with prayer that we are led through the battle field of the mind.
Don’t allow the enemy’s weapon of confusion to lead your thoughts. Go in prayer and read the Bible. Learn from the Bible the mistakes of many. Read their stories and learn what not to do in similar life situations for God tells us not to copy the customs of this world but be different and set apart[5]. Follow Him and He will reveal your path. No one gets to peer ahead into tomorrow‘s vista before time is prepared to reveal itself. Don’t run ahead in your tomorrow thoughts for again this will be how the enemy will enter through your mind. Live this day and only this day for it has enough concerns all of its own.
Turn to God and He will direct your steps[6].

[1] I will give you rest. (Matthew 11: 28-30)
[2] I will supply all your need. (Phil. 4:19)
[3] I have not given you a spirit of fear. (2 Tim. 1:7)
[4] And so it is with prayer – keep on asking and you will keep on getting; keep on looking and you will keep on finding; knock and the door will be opened. (Luke 11 9-10)
[5]Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think. Then you will learn from your own experience how His ways will really satisfy you.(Romans 12: 2)
[6] I will direct your steps. (Proverbs 20:24)